Saturday, October 14, 2006

My Experiments with Life

Time, not age, is taking its toll on me. There are so many beautiful and esoteric things to explore and appreciate, but there is so less time this world has to offer us. I tried to change the wall clock's settings back by an hour - to no avail. I have hence decided to jump into the whirlpool and compiled the "101 things to do before I die". I have begun to experiment with life lately. Trying to indulge myself in a melting pot of hobbies other than what my 45 hour a week work schedule - trying to make mobile phones enrich relationships faster and better - allows.

The first and the more important experiment involves upgrading Blogging 1.0 to Blogging 2.0. I started off with blogging as an experiment and as I progressed, realised that there's more to me than just writing gibberish. Being a dreamer helps. It helped me write stories. To some, they are boring while for some, there is a lot of humane perception in them. Methinks, there are very few stories which carry a universal appeal. The crux is storytelling is an extension of myself which I wanted to explore. I have begun writing a story, the residue of which will be in the form of a book a few months down the line. A foggy flowchart is ready in my mind. Just littering words on a canvas remains. Of course, this activity will be a background "daemon" process over my hectic work schedule.

The other experiment will be in exploring the genre of world cinema. I have been lately catching some amazing cinematic works. These are not the stereotypical Hollywood types. These boggle, stun and awe the mind into submission. Ever heard of Tarkovsky, Kurosawa, Bergman etc. Just watch one of their movies and you might stop watching the regular Hollywood fare. Here is a good link to start with. And if you want to grapple with the highest rated movies of all time, check this link.

And how can I forget music. The soul of planet Earth - I wonder the fate of humans if music didn't exist. If you ever get a chance, tune up to the likes of Beethoven, Mozart, Bach etc. Plus the classico modern compositions of Yanni. Being a violin aficianado, I have to add the name of Paganini the great and the man in his present avatar - Itzhak Perlman. Someday, I will blog on one composition of his that is so synonymous with humanism.

Lastly, travelling always gives me that ephemeral joy of achieving Nirvana. This weekend, am leaving for a place which will synergise me with the mountains. The 6-day trek on the holy Kanchenjunga should make me forget all the ills of the world; it should be the perfect tryst with nature - a oneness with the elements of Earth. I should find my book's canvas here, relate to Tarkovsky's Zerkalo here and synch to Mozart here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simple. Cant understand why you so euphoric about world cinema and all and why u assume that people havent seen most of the classics or listened to the masters. You discovred it now, say that not assume that world awoke as you woke it from its sleep. As for kanchenjunga...good not many people go there but would a few thousands be an expection.
Sweetheart, you just saw sunshine... the sun always shined its way through....
Simple.Guess who can be that critical.

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again.. The top 250 movies by users a popular vote.. and def. not to be assumed as the cinematic art as the critical analysis goes..
Lolz. if LOTR rates 4 and godfather rates number 1... I guess i have throw my cinematic knowledge down the drain... maybe i should challenge wat i learned...maybe u should see the Three Colors Triligy ...BLUE WHITE RED>> by Keislowski... Thats cinematic art sweety not box office.

Love you again..

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful!!..thoughts parallel to mine...apart from our so called hectic schedule..finding time for doing things that we something we ought to do...just to make sure that we are not just another victim of this weary schedule...Even i hv lotta plans...pretty news reading(simply fascinating)...visiting wild life sancturies...working for NGO...Riting a book...!!![:)]

5:22 AM  
Blogger sheela said...

Amazing Ideas come only for few people . When i was turned 25 recently i looked back and exmained myself what have i achieved other than degree's nothing what did i prove this world what iam .. Now i felt there are many people who want to just explore and enjoy life just like me. See there should be some difference all are not same we have a purpose in everything today we are alive because of a purpose so lets fulfil it ..

2:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow very well said. I think u have captured the feelings of many young and curious souls. I can't help but sense the oneness in all your efforts, trying to explore all but one, yourself. Keep it up T. Your writings are truly inspirational, will be reading your blog more often ;)

7:12 AM  
Blogger anup.777 said...

a run-thru those lists made me so nostalgic ... there are some pretty awesome movies ... :)

hv a gr8 trip man! .. i to need to list down things to do before i go ... :)

7:25 AM  

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